Expecting The Unexpected (Nakaka Book 3) Read online

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  “Torque.” Emerald warned.

  Throg looked at the brothers in interest. “Pain?”

  Emerald sighed, “He takes on the pain and emotion of others. If what he sees is... traumatic, Topaz will go through that trauma as if it were his own. He will absorb the pain and suffering and then will be incapacitated until the feelings fade.”

  “It can take weeks, if not months, for that to happen,” Turquoise snapped.

  Hron snapped right back, “And I’m sorry for that, but damn it, there is a reason for his gifts, and those gifts to be brought here were designed by the gods themselves. Topaz knows this and has accepted it. You need to do the same and fast.”

  “It’s too much to ask of him!” Turquoise hissed.

  Never taking his eyes off the gem brother, snapping and snarling, Hron asked. “If my Viata is willing to sacrifice so much for the Nakaka, then tell me, Zircon, why is it too much to ask Topaz to do the same?”

  “We just wanted him to be able to live his life without everyone wanting answers from him. Father was adamant that we not allow Topaz’s gifts to be known to the people here. We honored his request.” Zircon stated.

  Throg knew he should remain quiet, but something about Zircon’s statement had him thinking. Throg had known the gem’s father well. They had talked many times about his gift, and what it meant to him to have the gods bless him, and trust him with such a gift. It didn’t make sense that the man would want to hide Topaz away from the world, and not use that gift to help their people. “Zircon, can you remember your father’s exact wish? What I’m asking you is what he said exactly.”

  Zircon thought for a moment, then said, “Topaz is an Oracle. There are those here that if they know they will take him from us, and then use him for the remainder of his life to do their bidding. Topaz will never know peace. We must protect him from this, no matter the cost, or he will be lost to us forever.”

  “So, he wasn’t telling you not to tell us, just those in this clutch house?” Throg asked.

  Zircon looked at his brothers then looked back at Throg, “We never thought about that. We mainly focused on the fact, he would be used for his entire life, and he would be lost to us forever.”

  Throg looked at Hron, “I think their father might have known what was coming?”

  Hron turned to his fathers, rolling his eyes. “What do you think?”

  “I think not only did he know what was coming, but who was bringing it. For him to keep his family from the rest of the Nakaka, I’m wondering if there is something bigger going on here that we’re missing.” Stok stated.

  “Why would Topaz and Jude not have met Tamale?” Hron mused to himself, then looked at the gem brothers, “Why did your father not want your brothers to meet Tamale?”

  Shaking their heads, Zircon answered, “We don’t know. Any time Topaz and Jade wanted to go into the inner city, father made us go with them. When Jade wanted to open Fruitlisious, father wasn’t happy, but he allowed it if one of us was with him at all times to watch out for any higher ranking Nakaka. If one were to come around, we were to have Jade go in the back and we would serve them. It wasn’t difficult, Caliph Tamale wasn’t much of a juice man.”

  “None of this makes any sense at all.” Hron said in confusion.

  Throg shook his head, saying, “It sounds as if their father didn’t trust Tamale at all, but from what your mate says, Tamale was an honorable Nakaka.”

  Hron sighed, “Well, it seems to me that this situation is far more complicated than we thought. Gods, what if Tamale was in on whatever these bastards planned?”

  Shaking his head, Throg replied, “Your mate will be devastated.”

  Nodding Hron replied, “I know. The question I have is, if he was in on whatever is going on, then why is he and his inner circle all dead?”

  Throg snorted, “More to the point, who took them out of the equation?”

  “I have a feeling that things are going to get really ugly really fast. We must up our security. It is our job to keep our clutch safe and I’ll be damned if I’ll just sit back chasing my ass with these flash drives out there,” Hron stated firmly.

  “What do you mean?” Groth asked for the first time.

  “I’m wondering if the reason those flash drives are scattered about, is so we are so busy chasing them for answers, and not watching what’s going on within our own house walls,” Hron stated thoughtfully.

  Nodding, Groth replied, “That could be. But, the one we had did lead us to know about the originals being targeted.”

  “Yes, but what if that flash drive was a lure. Give us a bite and we go for the entire fish, only to have a sea monster destroy us all when we’re not looking.”

  Nodding, Groth finally spoke. “I agree it could be what’s happening. So, what do we do?”

  “Throg? Any ideas?” Hron asked.

  “Me? Why are you asking me?” Throg asked in surprise.

  Hron snorted, “Throg you are older than dirt. You’ve seen plots and plans of all kinds, and security has always been your specialty. What do you think we should do?”

  Throg thought for a moment. He was shocked that Hron would even ask his opinion on this, but was honored for the Caliph’s trust he was showing him. “I think we put two people on finding those drives, and we pull together our security team. With Dak gone, and you sending people to help him and Topaz find Jade, it kind of leaves us shorthanded, but maybe Petree would know of some good men that could help, and I think the gem brothers would be a huge asset. They know the people here, where you could hide bodies, and possibly even know a person that might shine a light on things.”

  Shaking his head, Emerald replied, “No one has been talking about a coup that we’ve heard of, or we’d tell you.”

  “Oh I have no doubt you would. I’m just saying that you know enough of the people here to ask around and see if they’ve heard anything in the rumor mill. The Nakaka are still leery of us.” Holding his hand up to stop Hron or Groth from interrupting, Throg continued, “Yes, things are getting better, but you all know that they are still not as trusting as they need to be in order to talk to us about people spouting shit about us being here, and if Tamale was behind a lot of what happened here, and these people knew or suspected it, they are going to be even less likely to trust us. However, the gem brothers offer a bit of familiarity, and with that they might be willing to talk to them.”

  Nodding, Hron stated, “I agree. Are you three willing to help?”

  “Of course, Caliph. We will start to discreetly ask around,” Emerald replied.

  “Good. I welcome you to our guard,” Hron stated with a nod.

  Emerald drew back, “Just like that?”

  Shrugging, Hron replied, “I know you may not understand this, Emerald, but yes, just like that. You three have helped raise your brothers into the men they are, and from what I’ve seen, they are great men. This wouldn’t be the case if you were bad men out to get me. So, yes, I welcome you into the guard.” Turning to his most-trusted ancient guard. “Throg, I know you’re supposed to be my guard, but I need your experience in investigation more than you standing behind me with your arms crossed looking badass.”

  “What do you mean?” Throg asked.

  Hron quickly answered, “I need the clutch protected. With Dak gone that means I need Groth to lead up security. You’re right that we still need to try and get our hands on those drives. I want you to lead that search.”

  Nodding, Throg replied, “Of course, Caliph.”

  Standing, Hron said, “Good. Get with Spencer and find me those drives.”

  Throg’s eyes widened, “Spencer? Wh… um… I really don’t think….”

  Hron’s features hardened. “I know you two butt heads, Throg, but he’s the best chance we have to help you figure out where those drives might be. His computer skills are beyond amazing. I expect you two to put your differences behind you and find those drives.”

  Swallowing past the lump in his throat, Throg ra
sped out. “Yes, sir.”

  “Good, now I’m off to find my Viata. You all know what to do.”

  As Hron and the others left the office, Throg stood there, seemingly unable to move. The thought of spending so much time with his Viata scaring him more than any threat the clutch might be facing.


  “I changed my mind. I don’t want to do this,” Spencer said, trying to turn around.

  Elijah refused to let Spencer get away as he grasped him by the shoulders and turning him back around, “You need to know if you are pregnant or not, Spencer. My brother is a doctor, and he can help us find the truth, and because he’s a doctor, Caden is bound by client patient confidentiality. Now come on.”

  Spencer sighed. Gods, how could he have been so stupid as to tell Elijah his suspicions? One time. It had been one stupid mistake… okay, that wasn’t fair, what had happened between him and Throg that fateful day wasn’t a mistake, at least, not to him. After all, Throg was his mate, and Spencer had been hard as a rock from the moment he had scented the man and realized who Throg was to him.

  Spencer had been terrified, and as a result always seemed to be at his sarcastic best whenever he and Throg were in the same room from day one. After what had happened to him and his friends when the clutch had been taken over by Chantal and his goons, killing Caliph Tamale and his inner circle, the last thing Spencer had wanted was to find himself mated to a fucking gargoyle, but fate had a funny way of not giving a crap what someone thought. However, Spencer had refused to go down without a fight, and it was one of those fights that had brought Spencer and Throg together in one of the most frenzied, animalistic fuckfests of his life. Just thinking about that day made his dick hard.

  Snorting, Spencer thought to himself, it was his hard dick that got him into this in the first place. All the blood went straight to the little head, leaving none for thoughts in the big one.

  Who could have known that Nakaka could create life? Damn sure not Spencer.

  Hell, men were not built for pregnancy. Spencer had heard horror stories of women that went into birth and how painful it was. Thinking about all the hours of torture he would have to go through if he really was pregnant, had Spencer wanting to run back into his room and hide under his covers, until it was all over.

  “Come on, Spencer. It’s going to be alright. I’ll be with you every step of the way, and no matter what we find out, you won’t be going through this alone,” Elijah promised.

  “Good, then how about I carry the critter and you deliver it? I’ll hold your hand and tell you to breathe the entire time, I promise,” Spencer said sarcastically.

  Elijah laughed, “I don’t think so, but I’ll be more than willing to hold yours. Now come on.”

  The second Elijah opened the door to the doctor’s office, Spencer damn near turned tail and ran. Both Peth and Caden were in the room talking. Shit, if Peth were to discover what Spencer felt deep into his very soul to be true, Peth would run to Hron, and then Hron would want to know who the father was and damn it, Spencer was nowhere near ready to tell the Caliph the truth.

  “Can we help you with something?” Peth asked.

  Elijah stopped Spencer from leaving, as he said, “Uh… Peth, do you mind if I have a few minutes alone with my brother?”

  Peth looked confused, but then nodded, “Of course.”

  Once Peth walked out of the room, Elijah closed the door and practically dragged Spencer towards Caden. “We need a favor, Caden.”

  “O... okay.” Caden said hesitantly.

  “Wait!” Spencer practically shouted, then asked, “Does patient client confidentiality go in this clutch like it does in the human world?”

  Nodding, Caden replied, “It does for me. Why?”

  When Spencer didn’t immediately say anything, Elijah jumped in, “We need you to do a pregnancy test.”

  Caden smiled wide, “You think you’re pregnant, Eli? That’s fantas…”

  “Not me! I have my basil in my eggs every morning,” Elijah said in exasperation.

  “Basil?” Caden asked in confusion.

  “Yes, basil. Petree told me that it’s what the Nakaka use as birth control.” Elijah said with a wave of his hand, “Something about how the Nakaka were born in Hawaii, and how the gods must have decided we should have a choice about having a baby, and basil grows wild in Hawaii and that’s why they chose it.” Sighing dramatically, Elijah said, “Anyway, it doesn’t matter. What matters is Spencer needing a pregnancy test.”

  Caden looked at Spencer, his eyes wide. “You? Wha… how? I mean, unless there’s something about shifters being able to get other shifter’s pregnant?”

  “Not that I’m aware of,” Spencer answered, not looking at Caden, feeling his nerves getting the better of him. Gods he didn’t want Caden to know about Throg.

  Rolling his eyes, Spencer replied, “Caden, Nakaka have the ability to impregnate. You know this.”

  Spencer didn’t say anything and Caden said, “Yes, Peth talked to me about it. He wanted to make sure we had enough supplies for a delivery and prenatal care. But he also said that a Nakaka could only get their partner pregnant if they are ma… Spencer?”

  “Can you please just check? I don’t want to go into a lot of details, but the possibility is there,” Spencer quietly said.

  Caden quietly asked, “Why do you think you’re pregnant?”

  “I’m exhausted all the time, throwing up constantly, smells really are a trigger for that shit. Did you know water has a smell?” Spencer asked.

  When Caden shook his head, Spencer replied, “Well it does, and it’s fucking nasty. My friend Janis mated her high-school sweetheart. I remember when she got pregnant. She would throw up constantly especially if she caught the scent of raw hamburger meat or breakfast sausage cooking. She slept for hours at a time and would wake up saying how damn tired she was. I know I’m pregnant in here.” Spencer pointed to his heart, and then his head. “I just need to prove it here. Besides, Elijah figured it would be good to know for sure.”

  “Because, if you are you might need some kind of prenatal care, like Caden just said, and we’d need to start planning for a baby,” Elijah insisted.

  Rolling his eyes, Spencer replied, “I’m a shifter, Elijah. We don’t catch or give disease.”

  “That doesn’t mean a baby isn’t vulnerable, Spencer. I have to agree with Elijah. We have to find out if you really are pregnant first, and then plan our next move from there. Are you sure this is a gargoyle child?” Caden asked.

  Spencer pursed his lips not wanting to answer. Caden raised a brow saying, “I need to know in order to know how to treat you if you are with child.”

  Letting out a slow deep breath, Spencer replied, “It’s a gargoyle’s child.”

  “I didn’t know you had mated, Spencer. Where is the father?” Caden asked.

  “We aren’t mated, and he doesn’t know.” Spencer murmured.

  Caden’s brows rose in shock, “But… I mean Peth said that a gargoyle controls whether they bring a child into the world or not. God, after everything you’ve been through I hate to ask, but I have to… was it… did you…”

  “It was consensual, but not something planned.” Spencer muttered, feeling his cheeks grow heated with embarrassment.

  Shaking his head, Caden replied, “I just don’t understand it. According to Peth a gargoyle has the control on whether to release the conception fluids needed in order for their mate to become pregnant. It would mean whoever you were with must have done this on purpose. Why would someone do this? I think we should contact Hron and…”

  “No!” Spencer shouted, as he turned to leave.

  Elijah grabbed Spencer stopping him, then turned to his brother, “No one is telling anyone about this appointment, Caden. You told us you would respect client to patient confidentiality.”

  “And I will. I wasn’t going to pick up the phone, Eli. All I was saying is that if one of his clutch-men is going around trying to knock people
up, Hron needs to be told.” Caden quickly replied.

  Shaking his head, Spencer said, “I don’t know how it happened, Caden, but I honestly don’t believe the person I was with would do this on purpose. The sex wasn’t even planned, let alone put in any thought about producing a child out of it. It really just happened.”

  “How about we just find out if he really is pregnant first, and then worry about the whos and hows later… hmmm?” Elijah suggested.

  Nodding, Caden went to one of the drawers in the room and pulled out a cup, saying, “I need you to pee in this and bring it back to me.”

  Taking the cup, Spencer’s lip lifted in disgust, but went and did as instructed. Taking his donation back to Caden, he watched as the doctor took it and grabbed a stick doing what he needed to do, then said, “Now we just wait.”

  “How long until we know?” Spencer asked.

  “Just a few minutes. Just have a seat until the test is complete.” Caden answered.

  Spencer sat doing his best not to freak the fuck out. Pregnant. He knew… he just couldn’t believe this was happening to him. What was he going to do? He couldn’t very well stay with the Nakaka, yet how could he leave? He had been through so much already. How was he supposed to handle having a child when Spencer could barely handle himself right now? Yes, he had a great job working with Hron, the leader of the gargoyles. He had friends that not only knew what Spencer had been through, but had experienced themselves. Some had suffered even more than he did, but they had each other. If Spencer were to leave, he would have no one.

  “Hey, it’s going to be okay, Spencer. You know me and the guys will be right there for you and the baby. You don’t have to do this alone.” Elijah softly whispered.

  Tears filled Spencer’s eyes, “How can I stay? The father… what if he insists we… I can’t…”

  Elijah slipped from his chair and kneeled in front of Spencer, taking Spencer’s face in the palms of his hands, “If you don’t want the man near you, then he won’t be. The others and I will make damn sure of it, and you just concentrate on the baby, and nothing but the baby.”